About my blog

Email, texting, IM, blogging, heaven help me. How do you keep up with the times when you personally know the person that named dirt? I keep being told you are not to old to learn, well then why does my brain feel like it has been shaken like an etcher sketch?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Heart Could Just Burst

PROUD: pleased or satisfied, as with oneself, one's possessions, achievements, etc, or with another person, his or her achievements, qualities.

If you haven't learned by now, whenever I am going to blog about my Sam, it is always preceded by a definition of some kind. As in the last time I wrote about Sam he once again has amazed me.
Today was a graduation celebration for Kirstie, Raymond's Fiance's daughter, who I consider my granddaughter, and we of course were invited. Well as much as we love going out it is a big challenge. As we finally got Sam onto the porch and he was just about to take that first, "hold your breathe" step down the stairs when he stopped and made this yell. My heart leaped out of my mouth and as I was picking it up to put it back in place, I heard a horn toot and when I looked it was a woman Sam knew when he was working that had over come major brain surgery. Now here is someone that was not given the best of hope when the procedure was explained to her and the first few months after the surgery she did not do well and that is the last thing Sam remembered about her until he saw her driving her truck. Well she yelled out her window, "MY SWEETHEART," and to our surprise and joy, Sam yelled back " HEY BABY!!!"  Before she drove off she said to Sam, "EVERY DAY IS A GIFT" she blew him a kiss and drove away! Well those words, or seeing this woman that he must have thought of often, did something for him because before I knew it Sam was heading down the front stairs with very minimal assistance, he got himself into the car and we were off to Attleboro.

We arrived at our destination and with a little help from Ray, Sam was placed comfortably in the back yard under the umbrella. He soon summoned for food like the king he thinks he is, and Ray soon satisfied his hunger with the most amazing cheeseburgers...Thank you Giammalvo's!!!!!! 
As time passed, so did Sam's bladder, and we had to figure out how we would get Sam into Ray's house and to the bathroom, you see this was the first time we had to do this and Ray's house is not assessable friendly. We were able to bring Sam to the front of the house where there are only 2 steps but I'm sure Sam thought it might as well have been 100 because there wasn't a railing for him to hold onto. Thank goodness Ray took up theatre at BCC because he played many of parts but I don't think any prepared him to act as a stair rail. Sam made up his mind he was going to do it, and do it he did. I don't even remember if I helped because I was so stunned, but this proved to be the first.  When he made it into his chair that was waiting in the door way, he wheeled into the living room and when he saw the door way to the kitchen was a little blocked,and as clear as anything he stated,"Oh Sh--!" Well after we all regained our composure we got him to the bathroom door and of course his chair did not fit. I was waiting for another comment but instead he thought for a minute and he stood up from his chair held onto the sink counter and walked with NO assistance. Now if you are reading this, and you are a mom, do you remember what it felt like when your little one went to the bathroom on their own for the first time because after all they were now a big boy/girl and they knew they could do it?  Well this was one thousand times better. Funny how such little steps leave such big impressions. I must tell you, he walked himself out of the bathroom to his chair and sat for some time because, this little thing that we all take for granted, exhausted him beyond belief. Shortly after that we left to come home and now he sits in his recliner with his legs up and having unbearable pain because of all the work his leg did and yet, he still has that " CAN DO IT" smile on his face.   ~~ I just love this man~~

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love dad, he makes us all proud like Josh and you said today, he's getting faster and faster with each "step" he takes in life, and to think it hasn't even been a year yet and he's made this much progress!!! SO PROUD OF HIM!!!
