About my blog

Email, texting, IM, blogging, heaven help me. How do you keep up with the times when you personally know the person that named dirt? I keep being told you are not to old to learn, well then why does my brain feel like it has been shaken like an etcher sketch?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Great Thou Art...

I have been away from my blog for way too long. I have missed my moments of thought I share here.
Any one who knows me, knows that the last few weeks have been hard. At times I thought I would lose my mind, I didn't know how I was able to put one foot in front of the other.
My son had faced some scary scary demons that took him to an awful place and almost broke him. He was in the darkest of places and thought there would never be light for him.
How grateful I am that he had more faith deep inside of him than I think even he realized, and when the Hand of Light reached out to him, he took it and held on. He has been given the chance to understand that he is stronger than any demon and nothing can ever take a hold of you if, even if it is put way down deep inside, you have the tiniest bit of Faith and Trust in the Lord.
Within days, Sam faced yet another trip to the hospital, the result of another seizure. This time it called for a 4 day stay in the hospital. Discouraged by this and wondering if these seizures are going to be a part of his life now, he had his touch of the Hand of Light. Sam's right hand which has been curled shut since his stroke Aug. 27, 2010, was opened. What joy he had when he realized this wasn't a fluke thing, and to this day is open.

In my last blog I wrote "GOD FIRST" and today as I sit here and write this I believe it more than ever. If I have learned nothing else with everything ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE AS LONG AS YOU HAVE FAITH AND...GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME...