Do you ever wonder if there is such a thing as having another life? I must admit I have thought about it often when things feel familiar when there is no reason for it to, or when I see pictures of a certain era in time and it warms my heart in a strong way, and then there was today.
I was at work and a call came in for me from someone I have never spoken to before and I have never met and yet we conducted the business we had to and it got to the point she would say something to me and I would tell her how it also related to something that has happened in my life and I would mention something and she too would tell me how it related to something that had happened in her life. This conversation, after the business was taken care of, went on for an hour and we had so many similarities in our lives and did things the same way it was like we had the same life teacher. I must add, we come from totally different life styles, she is highly educated, has a summer home, and is of a different Faith. Her lifestyles are so different then mine but we came to understand that our basics were the same.
As the conversation was coming to an end, neither one of us wanted to hang up, we didn't want to let go, it was like we were loosing more than the connection of the phone. It was a very sad and yet joyous moment at the same time if that makes any sense. We promised that we would meet and share the table together, and we both agreed we finally found that friend we lost long, long ago.~~~~
Very nice momma dukes!!!